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Speculum Artium Festival

17. bis 19. Oktober 2019 Trbovlje, Slowenien

Die Interface Cultures Studierenden Amir Bastan und Stefan Tiefengraber, sowie PhD-Kandidatin Erika Mondria und Absolvent Ivan Petkov nehmen mit ihren Arbeiten am Festival teil.

The Department of Interface Cultures is featured in the program of Speculum Artium, slovenian New Media Culture Festival curated in Trbovlje by Maša Jazbec, PhD-Kandidat and Interface Cultures guest professor in the academic year 2018/2019.

The 11th Speculum Artium festival presents an insight into experimentation among classical and new media art, virtual reality, and even more advanced technologies, leading into experimenting with brain-computer interfaces. The latter are presented by the BR4IN.IO hackathon, i.e. an idea- exploratory marathon, in which the participants experiment with brain interfaces, and together with experts upgrade the submitted project.

The presented artworks border conceptual ideas; most of them are possessing bases, demanding deep philosophical and sociological consideration about the virtual and real happenings around us. Experimentations in art are closely bound to science. The merging of these two paradigms co-creates products of great potential for a breakthrough onto global markets, where they can reach the commoner with more success. These kinds of mergers of the left (rational) and right (irrational) brain hemisphere ensure a sustainable development, with the goal of a better future in all fields of operation and cross-sectoral networking.
Interface Cultures Faculty member Fabricio Lamoncha engaged with Speculum Artium as guest curator for the Festival Topic “Virtual Consciousness”.

Moreover, the festival features some Interface Culture students works:

Amir Bastan, "as promised"
"as promised" is an interactive installation (which responds to the candle scene in Tarkovsky’s Nostalgia). In order to watch the complete candle scene, the user must spin the anamorphic cylinder’s cap, find the correct velocity and keep it constant.

Stefan Tiefengraber, "DSD-08AS"
"DSD-08AS" is an electromechanical sound installation.
24 modules – each consisting of two solenoids, a metal rail and a metal ball – are building a self- triggering system where the metal ball functions as conductor between the rail and the solenoids. The ball is closing the circuit, and the electricity is applied to the solenoid at the same moment when it is pushing the ball back to the opposite side, thereby cutting itself from the electric flow. This results in interplay between the two solenoids and multiple loops with different time delays. hspeculumartium.si/DSD-08AS

Erika Mondria, Ph.D. candidate at Interface Culture "A Picture Of A Picture – My Brain Code 1.0"
How does the invisible “body talk” get visible in the digital world?
The experiment starts inside your body – in your head! Are you always aware of what you are thinking? Do you choose what is going on in your mind, or is the mind directed, influenced or even controlled by the outer surrounding, the world you live in? speculumartium.si/A_Picture_Of_A_Picture

Ivan Petkov, Interface Cultures Graduate, My Country, Your Country"
The interactive map invites people to share their knowledge of geography and history, or just to have fun by painting the borders of imaginary countries. It resembles many other painting apps for children and adults offered in app-stores. However, instead of green, blue, yellow etc., the choice of ‘colours’ is between ‘my country’ and ‘your country’, and instead of blank canvas, one paints over a world continent map, where neither country names nor borders are visible. speculumartium.si/My_Country_Your_Country


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"as promised" Amir Bastan

"DSD-08AS" Stefan Tiefengraber

"A Picture Of A Picture – My Brain Code 1.0" Erika Mondria

"My Country, Your Country" Ivan Petkov