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The Bulgarian Nouvelle Vague

Mihaela Kavdanska, Interface Cultures Student and Dilmana Yordanova (KOTKI visuals) are presented among 100 artists' "Bulgarian new wave" by "One" magazine.

What is Edno?
When all the arts inspire and flow into each other, when the boundaries between them lose their meaning, all is one. One whole.Edno means one. And one whole are Edno Magazine, Sofia Design Week, Mellow Music Festival, Sofia Dance Week, Sofia Architecture Week and Sofia Contemporary. All of them are faithful to a common cause and bow to the same principles, values and mindset.All of them are Edno – a platform for contemporary art, culture and way of life. Edno supports and promotes contemporary culture by presenting in Bulgaria the world trends in art, music, design, architecture, performing arts, cinema, fashion – live, on paper, and online.Edno is a lab for brave new ideas. A playground for artists of various genres, nationalities and generations. A corner where the spirited, open-minded and hip urban dwellers meet to have fun in Sofiajust like they would in any other European capital.

The Bulgarian Nouvelle Vague
The release of the first issue of Edno Magazine ten years ago was tantamount to a mini-revolution in the Bulgarian media market.Lifestyle magazines were already in vouge, but Edno was different.Even today, it is the only magazine that combines high-quality original writing, a varied selection of topics, innovative design and good photography.Over the past decade, Edno has served as a radar detecting new trends in contemporary culture – there is hardly an interesting Bulgarian artist  who has not been featured in its pages or created a project for it.Over time, however, our magazine has not only grown up, but has also  expanded from a printed media to a platform: the producer of five festivals that successfully stage EDNO’s basic themes live.   This anniversary offers an opportunity for reflection. For us, all false modesty aside, the bottom line in unambiguous: Edno is the basic forum for everything significant, curious and new in contemporary culture,  while its printed form serves as a record of everything that is going on in our cultural life. Through us, the most interesting artists and authors reach you. Precisely this has inspired us on the occasion ofour tenth birthday to release our largest issue to date (instead of the usual four quarterly editions): The Bulgarian Nouvelle Vague – a bilingual book (in Bulgarian and English) which presents 101  representatives figures from the avant garde of contemporary Bulgarian culture. Some of them are already established names enjoying international recognition, while others are only now coming into their own after a promising start. Together, they form the Bulgarian new wave of artists, musicians, filmmakers, dramatists, choreographers, writers, photographers, designers, and architects. Until now, such a study of the Bulgarian independent scene has not been undertaken – we hope it will  contribute, at least in part, to the reduction of mass ignorance about processes within the cultural sphere in Bulgaria. We’ve set a further goal for ourselves: to challenge old-fashioned ideas of what cultureis, since such outdated ideas lead to a lack of understanding and hence to a lack of support for the new generation of Bulgarian artists.  Our selection does not pretend to be exhaustive or objective – on the contrary, the selection illustrates our personal taste and our  understanding of quality, which is often at odds with the status quo.

Presentation: 25 October, 19.00 h, SUSPACIOUS, 13, 6-th September St.