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UTOPE – smart clothing, a fusion of technology and design

18. Dez. 2012, 11.00 bis 13.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Vortrag von Wolfgang Langeder im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

UTOPE is a company/ brand creating smart clothing.
It is founded/ owned by Wolfgang Langeder and based in Linz/ Austria. The company is specialized on the development of smart clothing/ wearable electronic design products.
Utope works in cooperation with Fraunhofer IZM/ stretchable circuits in Berlin. Both Partners have joined forces since January 2010 to create innovative smart clothing items.     
The brand called Utope includes a menswear collection of cutting edge design pieces, merging our time`s most innovative technologies with elements from sportswear and traditional menswear clothing. This collection is an example to see, what is possible.
The lecture will give a brief survey on products and applications of Utope, on target markets and on the company’s visions/ aspirations for smart clothing.
One of the products we will present in the lecture is “Sporty Supaheroe”, an intelligent city-cycling jacket for the urban nomad, which is focused on improved visibility and security in the dark.
The jacket is equipped with a wearable electronic system, which is based on a stretchable circuit board developed by Fraunhofer IZM .The system includes 4 modular smart patches with LEDs, sensors, a switch and a rechargeable battery.
“Sporty Supaheroe” is a new kind of digital apparel blending style with technology and reasonable applications for our everyday life.  
