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Dissertation scholarship for the final phase

The dissertation scholarship for the final phase aims to support doctoral candidates in the final phase of the dissertation until completion.

Applications can be submitted by regular students of a doctoral or PhD program at the University of Arts Linz or the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna.

PhD candidates must demonstrate that the work on the dissertation or PhD project can be successfully completed within the scholarship period. The expected quality of the dissertation or PhD project is a central criterion for the awarding of scholarships. PhD project can be successfully completed within the scholarship period.
The expected quality of the final thesis is a central criterion for awarding the scholarships.

Two scholarships for PhD candidates at the University of Arts Linz and four scholarships for PhD candidates at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna can be awarded each year for six months each. The amount of the scholarship is € 1,200 per month. The scholarship can only be received once during the entire duration of the doctorate.

There is one submission deadline per year. This is usually in November.

A selection committee with representatives of the University of Arts Linz and the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna decides on the awarding of the scholarship.

The annual call is published on the "News" page on the PhD program website and via the PhD email distribution list of the University of Arts Linz.