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Intangible Bubbles Calling for Aphrodite

Maria Dirneder

"Intangible Bubbles Calling for Aphrodite" © Maria Dirneder, 2022
The wind god Zephyr travelled Aphrodite, the foam-born goddess of love, with his breath upon a seashell in the ocean. The embodied interaction brings the breath into the natural environmental space of water in real time. Audience members´ breath is measured by sensors, its movement is visualized and transferred into water for oxygenation and refreshing itself. In the water the intangible air gets a body, becoming visible with delineated bubbles. Audience members get touched by breathing which is visceral like lungs. A deep breathe creates the experience of a deep feeling and touch in the deepest inside. There is an inevitably exchange between lungs and atmosphere. As a means of transport air acts as a very intrinsically active material. The air we breathe is directly related with climate factors. Creating a perceptible and visible interaction of our own breath with the environment which gives us a possibility to relate with the intangible Technischen Support: Daniel Fischer Crossing the Bridge - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2022
"Intangible Bubbles Calling for Aphrodite" © Maria Dirneder, 2022

Interactive Installation, 2022
Interface Cultures