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Contained Infinity

Salma Aly

"Contained Infinity" © Salma Aly (EGY), 2023

Contained Infinity explores the philosophical themes behind Khayamiya, the art of tentmaking. Khayamiya art is a visual representation of the Egyptian community and identity.

Assemblage of Infinitesimals is a mathematical term, is based on the same philosophical principles. It refers to the process of summing up an infinite number of small values. Contained Infinity examines how humans, as simple components are combined to create a cohesive and comprehensive visual composition. It also investigates how a single point can unfold to reveal an entire universe.

Die Arbeit Contained Infinity von Salma Aly wurde im Rahmen der Campusausstellung Resonating Selves - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2023 gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

"Contained Infinity" © Salma Aly (EGY), 2023

Interaktive Installation, 2023
Interface Cultures