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Raindrop Price Index - You Cannot Refill A Sea With Tears

Maria Orciuoli

"Raindrop Price Index - You Cannot Refill A Sea With Tears" © Maria Orciuoli (IT), 2023

Raindrop Price Index presents terrestrial ecosystems' water balance cycles within today’s frames of computational reading and control of our environment. Consisting of two generative animations based on the ClimateEngine's 2011-2021 TerraClimate dataset, the artwork uses natural capital accounting knowledge tools to question anthropocentric views of phenomena beyond human reach. The title pays homage to the Aral Sea tragedy and prompts to reflect on the interplay between nature, society, and economic systems.

Die Arbeit Raindrop Price Index - You Cannot Refill A Sea With Tears von Maria Orciuoli wurde im Rahmen der Campusausstellung Resonating Selves - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2023 gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

"Raindrop Price Index - You Cannot Refill A Sea With Tears" © Maria Orciuoli (IT), 2023

Interaktive Installation, 2023
Interface Cultures