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2012 Project Berlin "May Be (R)Evolution"

Eröffnung: 10. Mai 2012; Ausstellung bis 8. Juni 2012 Factory-Art Gallery, Mommsenstraße 27, BERLIN 10629

Walter Ungerer-US, Anita Kunz-CA, Clinton De Menezes-ZA, Ana Gonzalez Rojas-CO, Veiko Klemmer-EE, Helka Immonen-FI, Olger van Gessel-NL, Gudrun Fischer Bomert-DE, Valentina Perazzini-IT, Katharina Karrenberg-DE, Javier Barrios-NO, Eva Daxl-DE

Two words: Evolution and Revolution. Fused toghether. Closely resemble one another. They are constantly used in their social and political sense as though their meaning were absolutely antagonistic. The word Evolution, synonymous with gradual and continuous development. Revolution, which implies changes more or less sudden in their action, and entailing some sort of catastrophe. Is it possible that a transformation can take place in ideas without bringing about some abrupt displacements in the equilibrium of life? Must not revolution necessarily follow evolution, as action follows the desire to act? They are fundamentally one and the same thing, differing only according to the time of their appearance. If, on the one hand, we believe in the normal progress of ideas, and, on the other, expect opposition, then, of necessity, we believe in external shocks which change the form of society. We claim progress. (Freely adapted from Evolution and Revolution - Elisée Reclus 1891)
The English noun evolution (from Latin ēvolūtiō "unfolding, unrolling") refers to any kind of gradual change.
Natural selection, adaptation, mutation, heredity, extinction.
Revolution (from the Latin revolutio, "a turn around") is a fundamental change in power or organizational structures that takes place in a relatively short period of time.

Why use these two words?
There are many great artists out there whose work will never be seen because of how unbalanced the field is. We are now proud at the 3rd date of the “2012 Project Berlin” with which we want to contribute to a creeping anarchy with the goal of evolution through tiny revolutions.
Revolution is a planned and deliberate action taken to change the order of things. Evolution could be a natural or planned progression of events. Progression is not necessarily rapid and could refer to organisms, natural development, the outcome of an idea or event. We’ll see.
The project includes a series of exhibitions throughout the year and final catalog presented during an international art fair, where will be published and commented all selected artists. For the international art fair, from all exhibited artists will be selected, by an international curator, 6 artists to be exhibited.
