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5. Mai 2019, 10.00 Uhr San Francisco, USA

PhD-Kandidat Jens Vetter zeigt im Rahmen des MUTEK Festivals seine Arbeit
"Netz 2.0 at".

Das Festival findet vom 2. bis 5. Mai 2019 in Kalifornien statt.
MUTEK San Francisco is thrilled to announce the first wave of artists for the second edition of MUTEK.SF, the US iteration of the ground-breaking music, arts, and technology festival.

Netz 2.0 is an interactiv sound sculpture. Reminding of spider nets, it sits in corners and structures. Pulling single strings generates real-time sonic output, played back through the fat speaker in the middle.


NETZ 2.0 at LAB30 Festival Augsburg, DE © Jens Vetter