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Financial support MOBILITY GRANT

Every student at the University of Arts Linz receives a mobility grant, provided that a partner university (based on a bilateral agreement - does not apply to Switzerland) has agreed to a stay abroad (student exchange) of at least one semester.

The mobility grant can be awarded within the limits of the budget.

The mobility grant is only paid for the period of physical presence at the host institution.

Study abroad at a Swiss partner university

Study visits/exchanges at our Swiss partner universities are funded via the Swiss European Mobility Program. The Swiss host university pays this mobility grant directly to the student. Information is available from the International Office of the University of Arts Linz.
Swiss European Mobility SEMP

Prerequisite for the mobility grant

  • Confirmation from the partner university
  • Completeness of all documents 

Mobility grant

Monthly basic grant in accordance with the study abroad grant rates of the Study Grant Authority - Aid for studying abroad, column II

Monthly top-up of EUR 250.00 for students of the following target groups (analogous to the Erasmus+ program):

  • Students with a disability
  • Students with a chronic illness (in the case of chronic illness only if this results in increased financial expenditure during the stay abroad compared to the stay in the sending country)
  • Students with child(ren) who are taking their child(ren) with them on their stay abroad

more information on this

Travel allowance

The amount of the travel allowance is based on the foreign scholarship rates of the Study Grant Authority - Aid for studying abroad, column III

Green Travel

Funding for the use of sustainable means of transport (e.g. train, bus, carpooling) further information
Proof must be submitted. 

Recipients of study grants

The Austrian study grant can be continued for the duration of the mobility grant if the student is generally fully admitted to study and take examinations in Austria.

After confirmation from the partner university/internship provider, the student must apply for the foreign grant at the scholarship office

Further funding opportunities

  • Students registered in Upper Austria as their main place of residence (for at least 1 year at the time of application) can also apply for the IPS scholar ship. The scholarship is only paid out for non-German-speaking countries.
  • Scholarships and databases link

update 13.2.2024