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Biennial of Painting On Landscapes

01.07.2018 bis 30.09.2018 Museum Gust De Smet, Gustaaf De Smetlaan 1, 9831 Deurle, NL

Ausstellungsbeteiligung von Lukas Marxt

In 2018, the Biennial of Painting is at its sixth edition. The three regional museums of the Lys region are once more working together to exhibit paintings from the last 150 years. This time the Biennial will focus on the landscape, a genre with a longstanding tradition in history, and which is still today a hot topic for many contemporary artists in relation to, among other things, ecology, politics and globalization. Art, modernity and the Lys region have been interconnected for more than a century and a half - from the 19th century landscape painters, the Flemish expressionists and the New Vision to contemporary creations. In MDD, landscapes of Constant Permeke and Valerius De Saedeleer, two artists from the museum’s own collection, will serve as a starting point to link the past to the present. Besides painting, the landscape represented through the moving image will also be covered by means of a number of contemporary films selected by curator Cis Bierinckx. The 7 selected filmworks for the exhibition engage with the landscape both cinematographically and thematically from a personal perspective, and with much narrative freedom.

Museum Gust De Smet, Gustaaf De Smetlaan 1, 9831 Deurle, NL. In collaboration with the Mudel and the Roger Raveelmuseum

