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"Through a Window"

ab 3. Juni 2015 in 3 verschiedenen Galerien (bis 30.04.2016) Vancouver, Kanada

Ausstellungsbeteiligung von Sabine Bitter und Helmut Weber

"Through a Window" is a three-part exhibition that looks at visual art production at SFU since 1965. Considering each of SFU's campuses as windows, the exhibition takes up Henri Lefebvre's Rhythmanalysis as a framework for reflecting on the rhythms of visual art at SFU over the last fifty years. Artists in the exhibition are affiliated with SFU as former students, faculty or collaborators.

SFU Gallery: 3. bis 31. Juni 2015
Audain Gallery: 3. Juni bis 1. August 2015
Teck Gallery: 3. Juni 3 bis 30. April 2016

"Through a Window" is supported by a program of public tours, mobile talks, sound walks, listening events and lectures that will unfold throughout the summer. All exhibitions and programs are free and open to the public.

Mit: Sabine Bitter and Helmut Weber, Mariane Bourcheix-Laporte, Lorna Brown, Kati Campbell, Allyson Clay, Stephen Collis, Brady Cranfield, Sara Diamond, Christos Dikeakos, Olivia Dunbar, James Felter, Rodney Graham, Keith Higgins, Julian Hou, Vishal Jugdeo, Paul Kajander, Owen Kydd, Tiziana La Melia, Laiwan, Irene Loughlin, Ken Lum, Didier Morelli, Michael Morris, N.E. Thing Co., Elspeth Pratt, Judy Radul, Anne Ramsden, Nicole Raufeisen and Ryan Witt, Lisa Robertson and Kathy Slade, Gabriel Saloman, Carol Sawyer, Greg Snider, Reece Terris, Althea Thauberger, Stephen Waddell, Jeff Wall, Jin-me Yoon, Elizabeth Vander Zaag