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U. Guttmann bei Schmuck 2012

14. bis 20. März 2012 München

3 Ausstellungsbeteiligungen von Ursula Guttmann bei "Schmuck 2012"

Schmuck Sonderschau 2012, IHM Munich,
International Jewellery Show, this time curated by Karl Bollmann.
with publication "Schmuck 2012"

Kunstwirtschaft Graz bei KASU, Munich, during Schmuck 2012
"Fremde Federn" in collaboration with Literaturhaus Graz
Wortschmuck after a text by Clemens J. Setz by international artists, with publication
opening: March 14th, 2012, 5-8pm, ongoing til March 16th, 2012, 11am-7pm Theresienstrasse 19 (entrance Fuerstenstrasse), Munich

3stations, Munich, during Schmuck 2012
"What s in a Frame?"
Gisbert Stach, Jorge Manilla, Ursula Guttmann, Deganit Stern Schocken, Nedda El-Asmar, Arek Wolski, and many friends
opening: March 15th, 2012, 5pm, ongoing til March 18th, 2012, 11am-6pm, sa, so 10am-2pm
Welserstrasse 15, 81373 Munich, Tel. +49 89 88901319
