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Eröffnung: DO 25.04.2013, 18.30 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 14.06.2013 Galerie Spectrum, Landesdienstleistungszentrum

Studierende der Abteilung Bildnerische Erziehung und Mediengestaltung präsentieren Ergebnisse eines Fotoprojektes im Botanischen Garten in Linz zum Thema "Phänologisches".
Projektbetreuung: Franz Linschinger

An der Ausstellung beteiligen sich 30 Studierende, darunter auch ErsamusstudentInnen der Partneruniversitäten University Olmütz (Tschechien), University of West Bohemia Pilsen (Tschechien) und der Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University (Türkei).

Begrüßung: Landeshauptmann-Stv. Franz Hiesl
Zur Ausstellung: O.Univ.Prof. Mag. Dr. Angelika Plank, MA

Bahnhofplatz 1, 4021 Linz
Foyer zum Büro von Landeshauptmann-Stv. Franz Hiesl

Montag, Dienstag, Donnerstag 8.00 bis 17.00 Uhr
Mittwoch und Freitag 8.00 bis 14.00 Uhr

The works of 30 students of the Art Education and Media Design Education Departments including those of four Erasmus students: Gülcan Erden ( Çanakkale University, Turkey), Martina Voriskova and Dágmar Klimešová (University of West Bohemia Pilsen, Czech Republic) and Ondrej Pokorny (University Olmütz, Czech Republic) are currently on display for the exhibition “PHÄNOLOGISCHES” (25.04.–14.06. 2013) at the Gallery Spectrum in Linz, Austria. With its focus on Photography, Gallery Spectrum is part of the Upper Austrian Vice-Governor’s office spaces, Franz Hiesl, who opened the exhibition together with Prof. Dr. Angelika Plank, Department Head Art Education.

The students presented their results of a semester-long photo project conducted in the Botanical Garden of Linz. The project was lead by Franz Linschinger (Department of Art Education and of Graphic Design and Photography) with a thematic focus on “Phänologisches”.

“Phenology” is the study of periodic plant life cycle events and how these are influenced by seasonal and interannual variations in climate, as well as habitat factors. The term is derived from the Greek phainō, “to show, to bring to light, make to appear” + logos, amongst others “study, discourse, reasoning” and indicates that phenology has been principally concerned with the first occurrence of biological events in their annual cycle. Examples include the date of emergence of leaves and flowers, the first flight of butterflies and the first appearance of migratory birds, the date of leaf coloring and much more.

Bildgalerie zur Ausstellungseröffnung

© Sophia Humer

© Julia Jebinger

© Silvia Wimmer