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Online Gastvortrag mit Jo Ying Peng

12. Jänner 2021, 16.30 Uhr ONLINE via Zoom

Die Experimentelle Gestaltung lädt zum Gastvortrag.

Vortrag via Zoom
Meeting-ID: 868 6105 0464
Kenncode: 8Riyis

Jo Ying Peng runs the Vernacular Institute and the Black Language Book Club from Mexico City where she has been based since 2017. A former curator at the Taipei Contemporary Art Centre she works across curatorial and editorial boundaries. In this practice, Peng addresses the agency of art through open forms of narrative in performative, experimental settings.

Frequently employing collaboration as a means to develop new languages and alternative propositions for deconstruction, Peng’s projects aim to move beyond linear narration, singular notions of curatorial and artistic disciplines, and to explore how independent institutions may be constituted.


© Jo Ying Peng