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Being in Between: Path of an art(scien)tist

MO, 12. Oktober 2015, 14.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Vortrag von Victoria Vesna im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Lectures Series.

In this retrospective talk, Victoria Vesna will outline a non-linear path in her life and work. Running away from awful teachers of science and mathematics, she spent all of her formal education in art schools, studying fashion in New York, painting in Belgrade. All along, she was learning about science and technology and eventually merged these worlds in her work and became a passionate advocate of art and science not being separated as disciplines. Currently she is obsessed with octopuses, birds and consciousness in relation to our networked animal selves.

Victoria Vesna
is an Artist and Professor at the UCLA Department of Design Media Arts and is Director of the UCLA Art|Sci center. With her performative / interactive installations she investigates how communication technologies affect collective behavior and perceptions of identity shift in relation to scientific innovation (PhD, University of Wales, 2000). Her work involves long-term collaborations with composers, nano-scientists, neuroscientists, evolutionary biologists and she brings this experience to students. Victoria has exhibited her work in 20+ solo exhibitions, 70+ group shows, has been published in 20+ papers and gave 100+ invited talks in the last decade.  
