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Best before: 17.01.19

Vernissage: 17. Jän. 2019, 17.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 24. Jän. 2019 splace am Hauptplatz, Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

Die Abteilung Interface Cultures lädt zur "Media Archeology Exhibtion".

“History is, after all, not merely the accumulation of fact, but an active revisioning, a necessary corrective discourse, and fundamentally an act of interrogation” (Timothy Druckrey, Introduction to Deep Time of the Media by Siegfried Zielinski, MIT Press, 2006)
This exhibition highlights work that shines a light onto the old, abandoned, & obscured: expired technologies, obsolete ideas, and dead media that have been left behind in time. The archaeological act of excavating and reviving the precursors to our contemporary media allows us to interrogate the past directly, using new techniques to find hidden limitations and capabilities of our technological ancestry; and to allow new understanding of the present through the creative discussion with the historical – finding the new in the old.

Supported by Interface Cultures Department in the frame of the Higher Education Structural Fund Austria by the Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy.

