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BIP on Critical Data

3. bis 8. September 2024 Hauptplatz 6, 4020 Linz

What is wisdom in a calculated world?

This particular BIP offered our students a remarkable opportunity to engage in international collaboration and exchange ideas, while also showcasing their work at Ars Electronica, one of the leading events in arts and technology. This rare and valuable experience is significantly enriching the educational journey of all participants–students and faculty alike.” 
Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert

This BIP fosters stimulating interactions, international partnerships, and cutting-edge discussions, creating a remarkable path of growth and discovery in the realms of art, science, and technology innovation. Exhibiting the participants’ art projects at this globally renowned festival provides a unique and valuable opportunity to engage with the professional context and significantly enhance the educational experience.
Yolanda Spinola-Elias

An exciting exchange, international cooperation, current topics–these are the ingredients of BIP. In the end, it´s an amazing experience and a learning process with like-minded thinkers and experimenters.
Manuela Naveau

The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) on Critical Data, is an Erasmus+ Programme with three university partners: the Cyprus University of Technology (Cyprus), the University of Arts Linz (Austria, BIP co-ordinator), and the University of Sevilla (Spain).

It was established to address issues, challenges and perspectives in a technology-dominated world. Students and professors of the three institutions engaged in regular knowledge transfer sessions throughout the academic year. The aim was to develop artistic concepts and prototypes revolving around the field of Critical Data, artistically and scientifically exploring data and data processing systems from a critical viewpoint. The progress and developed projects of the BIP collaboration are presented within the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz from September 3rd–8th 2024 at the Kunstuni Campus.

Cyprus University of Technology in collaboration with CYENS Centre of Excellence: Georgia Rose Demetriou, Valeria Loizou, Antoniou Katerina, Panayiota Georgiade, Georgia Demetriou, Maritini Aresti, Rafaella Kastrou, Nastya Theodorou, Kyriaki Makri, Katerina Constantinou, Styliani Michael, Evgenia Solomontos, Theopisti Stylianou-Lambert, Kleanthis Neokleous, Alexia Achilleos, Myrto Aristidou

University of Sevilla: Irene Ballesteros Alcaín, Jacobo Sabogal, Carmen Pérez, Juan José Mora Galeote, Maria del Mar Juan Martorell, Yolanda Spínola Elías

University of Arts Linz: Alessia Fallica, Emma Silvana Tripaldi, Martina Pizzigoni, Salma Aly, Simon Hehl, Sofia Talanti, Till Schönwetter, Miguel Rangil, Yuseung Lee, Manuela Naveau, Alexander Wöran, Stella Grübler

Interface Cultures–University of Arts Linz
The Interface Cultures master programme is celebrating 20 years! Since 2004 it teaches in the area of media art/digital art, interactive art, interface design and participatory practices at the intersection of art and design, (communication) technology and artistic research. Contents of the master programme are teaching on interactive art and interface technologies, research on cultural aspects of interface and interaction design, a focus on current artistic developments in the context of critical data and sustainable IT, and support in conceptual and practical prototype development of the students.

In addition to methodological, conceptual and technological competencies, the master programme offers support for the development of independent artistic projects that are located between the physical and virtual worlds. Whether as an object, performance or immersive setting, students are accompanied from the artistic idea to the presentation and cooperation with various institutions, international research partners and companies.

The BIP on Critical Data has been initiated by Univ.-Prof. Manuela Naveau, who is currently heading the department.

SHOCK VALUE | Alessia Fallica (IT)
TECHNOSYMBIOSIS | Emma Silvana Tripaldi (IT)
(VERY) NEURAL SYSTEM | Martina Pizzigoni (IT)
TANGIBLE AI | Salma Aly (EG)
DIRTY DATA | Simon Hehl (DE)
BLUE DANUBE | Sofia Talanti (IT)
MAGIC [AI]GHT BALL | Till Schönwetter (DE), Miguel Rangil (ES)
I AM, WE ARE | Yuseung Lee (KR)


Image © Georgia Demetriou