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Concepts and Strategies for Digital Archiving and Mediation from the Ars Electronica

20. November 2012, 11.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Martina Hechenberger und Theresa Schubert-Minski im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

The Ars Electronica Archive contains a diverse collection of artistic works and documentation of projects, exhibitions, and activities over a timeframe of more than 30 years in the wide‑ranging international field of electronic and digital art. The broad substantive spectrum of the content is matched by its vast diversity of physical and digital formats, which constitutes a substantial challenge for the archivist.

Whereas there are proven methods for conserving physical objects, long‑term archiving of digital data still raises countless issues for everyone in the field.

This presentation will focus on the specific problems that arise within the Ars Electronica Archive as well as give an overview over the development of its digital archive database and the online platform. Further it will present other projects the Ars Electronica Archive is involved in and contributing to, such as the Europeana collection.


Martina Hechenberger
studied Media Technology and Design at the University for Applied Science in Hagenberg and Timebased Media at the University of Art and Design in Linz.
Since 2005 she has worked in the fields of film, photography and video and in different productions and projects.
In 2008 she joined Ars Electronica and started to work with Jutta Schmiederer on the Ars Electronica Archive developing and establishing a physical and digital archiving system.
Since 2009 Hechenberger has been in charge of the Ars Electronica Archive.

Theresa Schubert‑Minski
studied Media Art & Design at the Bauhaus University Weimar.
Since 2010 she works as a researcher and project manager for the Ars Electronica Archive, before that for the Ludwig.Boltzmann.Institute Media.Art.Research in the area of archiving and presentation of media art.
Currently she is pursueing a PhD at the Bauhaus University, where she is investigating the relationship between aesthetics, technology and biosystems.