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6. Nov. 2012, 11.00 bis 13.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Kollegiumgasse 2, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Ingeborg Reichle im Rahmen der Interface Cultures Invited Lectures Series.

In recent art exhibitions we have seen a number of artists getting involved in debates about assembling life artificially through synthetic biology.
Scientific advances are challenging increasingly our concept of life and our perspective towards a technoscientific future, where "life itself" and "nature" are man-made.
The current motivation of artists for modelling life itself and creating prototypes of future organisms stem from the conviction that the rapid advances in synthetic biology will have dramatic consequences for the process of biological evolution, as well as for art.
By exposing the materiality of the topic addressed, bio art has the potential to give rise to ethical reflections that differ dramatically from traditional ethical thinking, by dealing hands on with ethical claims and aesthetic experiences.

Dr. Ingeborg Reichle,
born 1970, studied art history, archaeology, sociology, and philosophy in Freiburg i. Br., London, and Hamburg. 2004 Ph.D. dissertation on “Kunst aus dem Labor. Zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Technoscience”.
1998–2005 research position at the Art History Department, Humboldt University Berlin and the Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik.
2005–2008 research position at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities in the interdisciplinary working group “Die Welt als Bild”,
2008–2011 scientific project leader of the interdisciplinary working group “Bildkulturen”. Since 2012 she lectures at the Hermann von Helmholtz-Zentrum für Kulturtechnik, Humboldt University Berlin.
Since 2000 guest lectures at various international institutions including the School of Visual Arts, New York, the Department of Biology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, and the Life-Science Lab, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Timbusu College National University of Singapore, SymbioticA University of Western Australia;
2007 guest professor at the Faculdade de Ciências, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.

Publications (selection):
Kunst aus dem Labor. Zum Verhältnis von Kunst und Wissenschaft im Zeitalter der Technoscience
(2005), Verwandte Bilder. Die Fragen der Bildwissenschaft (2007, ed. with S. Siegel and A. Spelten), Visuelle Modelle (2008, ed. with S. Siegel and A. Spelten), Maßlose Bilder. Visuelle Ästhetik der Transgression (2009, ed. with S. Siegel), Art in the Age of Technoscience. Genetic Engineering, Robotics, and Artificial Life in Contemporary Art (2009), Reiner Maria Matysik: jenseits des menschen/beyond humans (2010 ed. with A. Hermannstädter and Th. Schnalke), Atlas der Weltbilder (2011, ed. with Chr. Markschies, P. Deuflhard, and J. Brüning), IMAGE MATCH. Visueller Transfer, „Imagescapes“ und Intervisualität in globalen Bildkulturen (2012 ed. with M. Baleva and O. L. Schultz).
2010 she curated the exhibition “jenseits des menschen – beyond humans” for the Berlin Medical History Museum of the Charity.

CURATING LIFE Abstract.pdf