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24. bis 28. Oktober 2023 Sofia, Bulgaria

Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau, Abteilung Interface Cultures, zeigen ihre Installationen The Value of Art" und "Acqua, ma non troppo".

"Acqua ma non troppo"

© 2023, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer

This computer animation was created specifically for Venice with its fantastic cultural heritage. Sophisticated and rich artistic creations from past epochs present humanity at its best.In times of climate crisis however, extreme weather events increase and cultural artifacts are in danger of being lost through rising sea levels and floods.The animation Acqua ma non troppo presents extracts of historical paintings and motives as they float and disappear into a generative water landscape, creating mesmerizing, beautiful but slightly sad impressions of times lost.All motives were photographed by the artists in Venice and reintroduced back at the Scuola Grande dei Carmini during the Re:Source Media Art History conference 2023.

"The Value of Art"
Interactive Installation
© 2010, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau

The Value of Art is a critical reflection on the economy of attention, the relationship between artist, artwork and audience, and the question of monetary and ideological value of the artists and audiences time and dedication.


"Acqua ma non troppo" © 2023, Laurent Mignonneau & Christa Sommerer

"The Value of Art" © 2010, Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau