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Enactive Environments: materials, experiences, values

17. April 2018, 11.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3. OG, DO.03.27

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von Karmen Franinovic

How can interaction designers understand, confront and guide the values emerging from the experiences they enable? How can we think, create and engage with materials and environments in an active and not controlling manner? In this lecture, I argue for shifting of our focus from functional and infrastructural questions towards ethico-aesthetic relations between humans and non-humans. A more ecological understanding of interaction is proposed that extends beyond the application of user-friendly devices and motivating entertainment. Such enactive design approach is exemplified through concrete projects involving participatory urban events, movement rehabilitation systems and active material environments.

Karmen Franinović
is a practice-based researcher moved by the desire to explore dynamic physical and social processes, be it a soundscape, a building, an act of creation, a learning process or a material. Focused on non-verbal and spatial interaction, she worked on the design of large scale public buildings, created participatory urban environments, developed active materials,  sonic sculptures, haptic floors, science toys and wearables for stroke patients. Karmen holds the Laurea degree in Architecture from Venice University, the MA from Interaction Design Institute Ivrea and the PhD degree in Art and Media from Plymouth University. She is Professor of Interaction Design at Zurich University of the Arts.


Karmen Franinovic