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Gastvortrag von Victor Diaz

16. März 2015, 11.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, K2, 3.OG

Interface Cultures lädt im Rahmen der IC Lectures Series zum Vortrag von Victor Diaz.

Victor Diaz current guest researcher at Interface Cultures will be doing a presentation about his artwork along his current project Protocoder.org. A creative coding framework for mobile devices born during a 5 month road trip across the U.S.

Victor Diaz [ES]
is a researcher, artist and educator whose focus is on creating new ways of interactions between computers and people. He is interested in developing novel ways of collaborative interactions in public spaces considering the cultural context. He also creates tools that help to increase the usability of creative technologies.

He holds a Telecommunications Engineering degree and a MSc on Cognitive Systems and Interactive Media from the University Pompeu Fabra of Barcelona. Victor has been integrating research and artistic practice in laboratories and residencies such as the University of Bern, Tokyo University of Sciences, Kitchen Budapest, Medialab Prado, U. Potsdam, The Patching Zone and Google ATAP among others.
