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INTERFACE CULTURES, delving into artistic aspects of interaction

Erschienen am 29. Jänner 2023 CLOT Online Magazin (UK)

CLOT Online Magazin (UK) veröffentlicht Interview von Christa Sommerer, Leitung von Interface Cultures an der kunstuniversität Linz.

CLOT (UK) has pulished the whole interview from Christa Sommerer, head of Interface Cultures at University of Arts Linz.

The Interface Cultures Master programme at the University of Art and Design Linz, under the guidance of artist Christa Sommerer, has become an incubator of innovation and experimentation in the ever-evolving world of art and technology. Founded in 2004 by Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau, the program draws inspiration from their experience at the Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences in Japan, exploring the potential of media technologies to push the boundaries of creativity and inspire new ways of thinking.

The Interface Cultures program is designed for students who are eager to explore the intersection of art, engineering, industry, and design, with a curriculum focused on experimentation, at the same time as encouraging students to challenge traditional norms and boundaries and to seek out new and unconventional combinations of ideas. The curse is designed to reinterpret and advance the discourse in the fields of interactive art, interaction design, game design, tangible interfaces, auditory interfaces, fashionable technologies, wearable devices, intelligent ambiences, sensor technologies, telecommunication and new experimental forms of human-machine, human-human and machine-machine interactions and the cultural discourse surrounding them.

This year, the Interface Cultures program presented a collection of fifteen pieces under an exhibition titled Crossing the Bridge, which aimed to bridge the gap between art and science, the past and the future, and the general public and specialists. The exhibition, which was held as part of the Ars Electronica festival in Linz, was a true reflection of the program’s mission to overcome boundaries.

One of the key themes explored by the Interface Cultures program is the impact of media technologies and social media on our emotions and psychology. As technology continues to advance, it is crucial that we consider the implications of these developments on our collective emotional and mental well-being. Through the works presented in “Crossing the Bridge,” the students of the Interface Cultures program offer unique perspectives on this important topic and provide a glimpse into the potential of technology to shape our emotional landscape.

As the world faces new challenges and imagines future possibilities, the Interface Cultures programme creates a vital space for exchanging ideas and exploring new horizons in art and technology, and Christa Sommerer gave us some insights into the Masters and its programme during the 2022 course.

Read more: www.clotmag.com/interviews/interface-cultures-delving-into-the-artistic-aspects-of-interaction

Miragique, Kaoru Tashiro, Razieh Kooshki, Vahid Ghaderi. Crossing the bridge exhibtiion, Ars Electronica 2022