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Intermedia Body: Flucht in die Gegenwart

12. November 2016, 14.00 Uhr Voestalpine Stahlwelt, Linz

Mihaela Kavdanska, Studierende von Interface Cultures hält im Rahmen von TEDx einen Vortrag zum Thema "Intermedia Body: Flucht in die Gegenwart".

Dieser Tage gibt es viele Lehren und Praktiken, welche uns helfen sollen zum eigenen Bewusstsein zu finden, im Moment zu leben und uns bewusst zu erleben. Mihaela Kavdanska schlägt eine Mischung von Kunst und Technolgie als Ansatz vor, um – abseits von spirituellen Assoziationen – im Hier und Jetzt zu sein. Bei Intermedia Performing Art geht der künstlerische Ausdruck mit den neuersten Technologien Hand in Hand. Eine Handvoll Künstler, Performer und Interaktionsdesigner kreieren ein komplexes, audiovisuelles Echtzeit-Erlebnis und die Öffentlichkeit wird zum Co-Schöpfer. Eine gemeinsame Flucht in die Gegenwart.

They are many teachings and practices these days, which show us ways to being aware, to live in the present moment, to expand our consciousness. Here I dare to propose an art & technology experience as a way to escape into the Present, without even mentioning higher spiritual goals. A practice known also as Intermedia Performing Art, where different artistic expressions and latest technologies go hand in hand. Where a multidisciplinary group of artists, performers & interaction designers create a complex audio-visual immersive experience in real time and the public could also become co-creator. A real-time collective escape into the Present moment. The performing body is the center of this experience: generator of data, interface for interaction, observer and receiver of feedbacks from a sensitive, reactive environment or from another performing body. The influence is mutual. The performing artists cause changes in the environment and the environment’s feedback could change their perception and further actions. The intermedia oneness between art, technology and a human body is a state of creation, where body, mind and consciousness expand, being all one. It is an organic, real-time process of co-creation and it happens when a group of artists escape into the Present moment as a whole Intermedia Body.
