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Past and Future Projects in Mixed Reality

14. Juni 2018, 15.45 bis 16.30 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG, DO.03.27

Interface Cultures lädt zum Gastvortrag von FH-Prof. Dr. techn. Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Christoph Anthes M.Sc.

"Mixed Reality," a term that spans the continuum real world/body sensor input - augmented reality - virtual reality and can be linked with artificial intelligence capabilities as well, is one of the most dynamic and interesting new visual and sensual technologies of our time.

Prof. Christoph Anthes will speak about the past projects and future potential of research he is involved in now at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg in various forms of "Mixed Reality," including Virtual and Augmented Reality.

He invites students to consider developing collaborative projects, up to and including Master's theses, with his students at the University of Applied Sciences in Hagenberg. The concepts would be developed together, and then in the realization, each side can bring in expertise that the other side may lack.

Prof. Christoph Anthes
As Professor for Virtual and Augmented Reality, Christoph Anthes is teaching Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality in Medicine at the University of Applied Science Upper Austria, Campus Hagenberg. He received his PhD in the VR domain at the Johannes Kepler University Linz in 2009.  From 2011 to 2017 he was leading the Centre of Virtual Reality and visualisation at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre in Munich. Christoph is working in the field of VR for over 15 years and in the field of AR for over 10 years. He has over 40 publications in conference proceedings and journals. In 2016 he was the main organiser and program chair for the ACM Symposium on Virtual Realty Software and Technology (VRST).

Christoph Anthes M.Sc.

Jakob Januschkowetz

Fabian Pointecker