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19. bis 24. November 2019 Nationaler Kulturpalast Sofia

Interface Cultures student Jürgen Ropp exhibited in the National Palace of Culture in Sofia, Bulgaria in the framework of the Conference Re:logia.



Video installation by Jürgen Ropp - Produced in collaboration with Interface Cultures & ARS ELECTRONICA

In UNIFY the Milky Way’s pattern is analysed, sonified and visually represented as mesh, that is being distorted depending on the stars´ brightnesses and color spectrum information. This experience´s aim is to merge star constellations and visual patterns into sound and also let the sound influence the visual basis material, hence the name UNIFY. This bidirectional audiovisual feedback loop is metaphorizing the all-embracing connections underlying all things, vivid or non-vivid.

This installation theorizes about possible futures, presents and pasts. It is inspired by the philosophical nature of the underlying physics and makes the assumption that wormholes in the form of Einstein Rosen Bridges exist as connections between different places in space and time. Kinetics, light and sound form a multisensory experience aiming to interpret the possible manifestations of such singularities. Data driven visual patterns give the visitor a unique experience of meandering tunnels in four the dimensional spacetime. Questions about determinism, free will and imagination can arise. It therefore works as a mirror of possibilities with the aesthetic appearance of an astronomic telescope.

Jürgen Ropp is an artist based in Linz, Austria and currently part of the Interface Cultures Master’s program at University of Art and Design there. 
He is inspired by the tension between art and science and their (dis)congruencies. With a BSc in engineering he is able to use a palette of tools to manifest situations that lie within and emerge from these fields. From building an installation for the European Digital Art and Science program to performing at Ars Electronica Festival he doesn’t want to narrow down his ways of expression. His work is located on the border between art and sciences. He understands the epistemologic limitations of modern physics as a nutritional basis for his artistic expression and explores the implications of the underlying theories. From that interactive artifacts and audivisual experiences emerge, which utilize new technologies to interpret a specific context free from scientific formalisms. By that the work is based more in the field of artistic research, whereas it wouldn’t be possible without taking experimental research into consideration.
