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Shape-Changing Interfaces

19. Dezember, 2017, 12.00 Uhr Interface Culture Lecture Room, Domgasse 1, 3.OG

Gastvortrag von Daniel Leithinger im Rahmen der Interface Lectures Series

The vision to break down the flat glass barrier of computer screens and to experience digital information in the physical world has been an inspiration to artists and researchers for decades. Yet in our daily lives, we are still glued to small displays more than ever before. In this talk, I will discuss a series of projects that challenge this status quo through computational materials and shape-changing interfaces. These projects render physical objects that users can touch, deform and share, making use of the amazing dexterity of the human body. While emerging sensing technologies and fabrication tools have made prototyping such interfaces easier, they are still challenging to design and develop. I will share lessons learned from my own practice and proposals for how the field can move forward with a new generation of tools for embodied interaction design.  

Daniel Leithinger
is assistant professor at the ATLAS Institute at the University of Colorado, Boulder, where he develops physical computer interfaces that blend digital information with the physical world. His passion for human computer interaction started while studying at FH Hagenberg and led him to work at research labs including AEC Futurelab, HIT Lab NZ, NUS Singapore, and Disney Research Pittsburgh. Daniel received his PhD at the MIT Media Lab for his work on tangible interfaces that can programmatically change their shape and materiality. Together with his collaborators, he has invented a series of award winning projects that have been presented at SIGGRAPH, Ars Electronica, Milan Design Week and the Cooper Hewitt Design Museum.
