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L.E.V. Festival

29. April 2018, 17.00 und 18.00 Uhr Paraninfo, Auditorium Laboral City of Culture2

Enrique Tomas, Doktoratsstudent bei Interface Cultures, lädt zum Konzert.

Author: Enrique Tomás
Event: L.E.V. Festival (Gijón) and University of Arts of Vigo, Spain.
Enrique Tomás (Tangible Music Lab) will perform at the renown electronic music festival L.E.V. his piece
"A Moment of Transition"

"A Moment of Transition" is a live electronic performance produced with digital instruments whose form or shape has been inspired by certain sound gestures. Through the action of the hand, these instruments called “embodied gestures” are activated and enable manipulation of musical information. At this concert, Enrique Tomás shows us how much our body is in fact responsible for creating those ‘moments of transition’ between objects and music. The result of this encounter: a live performance made of abstract sound materials and resonant deep textures.

© Enrique Tomas