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19. April 2024 Tabakfabrik Linz

Vom 17. bis 21. April 2024 findet das zweite New European Bauhaus Festival sowohl online als auch vor Ort in Brüssel und in ganz Europa statt. Das Festival bringt Menschen aus allen Gesellschaftsschichten zusammen, um unsere Zukunft zu diskutieren und zu gestalten.

Die Tabakfabrik freut sich darüber am 19.04.2024 den New European Bauhaus Festivaltag auf dem Areal mit iCommunitybeteiligung gestalten zu dürfen.


13.00 bis 17.00 Uhr „OTTOsonics“ Tangible Music Lab der Kunstuniversität Linz
In collaboration with Manu Mitterhuber the TANGIBLE MUSIC LAB showcases his OTTOsonics system, an open platform for immersive multichannel sound. OTTOsonics turns the Hörsaal 0 into an impressive concert hall showcasing multichannel compositions and live performances.
Tangible Music Lab, Kunstuniversität Linz

The Tangible Music Lab is an artistic research group within the Institute of Media at the University of Arts Linz. We primarily but not exclusively develop postdigital musical interfaces and instruments, which are generally evaluated in a direct artistic research practice.
Most of our instrument hardware and software components are made available as Open Source software and Open Design hardware, in order to contribute to the further development of these research communities. In collaboration with Manu Mitterhuber we will showcase his OTTOsonics system, an open platform for immersive multichannel sound. OTTOsonics turns the Hörsaal Null into an impressive concert hall showcasing multichannel compositions and live performances.

MARKTPLATZ, Haus CASABLANCA, Stiege B, 1. Stock.


13.00 bis 17 .00 Uhr RESEARCH INSIGHT | Workshop on Earthen Construction and Digital Fabrication – Creative Robotics der Kunstuniversität Linz

Insight into ongoing co-creative experimental research by BASEhabitat and Creative Robotics. Faculty workshop on hands-on methods of building with earth and digital fabrication in the context of sustainable future building techniques.

MARKTPLATZ, Haus CASABLANCA, Stiege B, 1. Stock.

weitere Infos: tabakfabrik-linz.at




OTTOsonics Installation