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Bachelor Programme
Design: Tech.Tex

At the center of this course is the practical and theoretical confrontation with materials, objects and phenomena. The course offers opportunities for personal creative work and experience in design, shape, space and technology. The basis of the creative-artistic practical work is personal experimentation reacting with the possibility to concentrate on focus areas in conceptual projects.

The new course is meant to prepare future teachers for teaching the subject Technical and Textile Crafting for secondary education, as well as for external school projects, art and cultural mediation and personal arts projects. The course should further help students to develop their personality and social competences.


Bachelor Programme Design: Tech.Tex

8 Semesters

In the first four semesters of the Bachelor degree, the basics will be learned in different workshops (ceramic, wood and metal) and studios (weaving mill, sewing room, paper printing and silkscreen printing). Different aspects of textile and technique will mainly be experienced through projects with materials like paper, wood, ceramic, metal, plastic, etc. The first experiences working within the school system will also be gained. Parallel to this, students will learn about theoretical and didactical issues and gain experience in creative work, design and visualization.

From the 5th semester on, the focus moves to project work building on the abilities, skills and competences already learned. These projects should increase the students’ ability to make concepts on their own for projects in design, shape, space and technique. The stronger creative-artistic practical work will be combined with accompanying theory modules (teaching didactics and cultural studies) and will lead deeper into the projects theme.

After receiving the Bachelor degree the first year of teaching follows. This is the so-called Induction Phase.

Duration and graduation
Bachelor: 8 semesters, “Bachelor of Education” (BEd)

The complete education up to the qualification to teach includes: Bachelor Studies, Master Studies and Induction Phase.

This study can only be studied in combination with another teaching study.


Univ.-Prof. Dr.techn. Irene Posch



Contact and portfolio advice

Sen. Art. Mag.art. Ingrid Hackl
T: +43 732 7898 360 
M: +43 676 84 7898 360

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Robert Hübner
M: +43 676 84 7898 344 

Univ.-Ass. Mag.art. Astrid Young
M: +43 676 847898 349

Sen. Art. Dipl.des. Monja Hirscher 
M: +43 676 847898 2353 

Institute Office Art and Education 
Margit Maria Anna Erber, MA 
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2377
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 377 

Mag.phil. Eva-Maria Unterweger
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2464 
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 382


Institute Art and Education
Hauptplatz 8, 2. OG, HP80230
4020 Linz | Austria