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Dizzy Izzy

Movie poster Dizzy Izzy
© alt narratives, University of Arts Linz

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Using exciting new approaches and somewhat different story telling, the alt narratives project aims to put highly complex scientific and artistic research on screen, making it accessible to a wider audience. In close collaboration with researchers and project managers at the University of Arts Linz, science communication is completely rethought to overcome structures of the classic „educational film“ and open up a broad field of creative and multidimensional exchange. The current alt narratives film, Dizzy Izzy, is based on research by senior scientist Dr. Sarah Kolb and was brought to the screen by Shari Ehlers, Thomas Guggenberger and Lisa Prast, graduates of Time-based and Interactive Media Arts at the University of Arts Linz.

Drawing on mathematical and philosophical concepts of relation, transformation and non-orientable spaces, the scientific animation film Dizzy Izzy explores why a donut can be equivalent to a coffee cup and how an artwork can be seen as an open-ended process. Being confronted with a series of surprising encounters, Izzy tries to find their way through the peculiar universe of Topologies of Artistic Research.


Directors - Thomas Guggenberger, Shari Ehlers

Animation - Lisa Prast

Script - Thomas Guggenberger, Shari Ehlers, Marlies Hajnal, Sarah Kolb, Andre Zogholy

Executive Producers - Andre Zogholy, Marlies Hajnal

Production Manager - Thomas Guggenberger

Narrator - Helena Blessing

Sound Design - Alex Siegl

Music - Anton Vertipolokh

Translations - Christopher Hüttmansberger

Based on her FWF project „Topologies of Artistic Research“ (10.55776/V813), this film was made in close collaboration with Sarah Kolb.


Dizzy Izzy Making-of
© alt narratives, University of Arts Linz


© alt narratives, University of Arts Linz

Film stills

Dizzy Izzy movie still
© alt narratives, University of Arts Linz