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Grumpy Fish

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Great excitement reigns in the coral reef when an uninvited guest appears in the form of an old trainer. The sea creatures are anything but enthusiastic about the disturbing object. With a lot of wit, sarcasm, and grumpiness, a debate begins about pollution and the impact of plastic waste on their home. In the midst of the discussion, a futuristic idea emerges: cellulose shoes made from bacterial tissue could be the solution. The environmentally friendly material has leather-like properties and is biodegradable. The possibilities open up applications that go far beyond the production of ecologically sustainable shoes.

 With original approaches and unconventional narrative structures, the alt narratives project aims to make complex scientific and artistic research accessible to a wider audience. In close cooperation with scientists and project managers from the University of Arts Linz and the Johannes Kepler University, science communication is being reimagined, leaving behind traditional models of “explanatory film” in order to open up a space for multilayered and creative exchange. The current film by alt narratives, GRUMPY FISH, is based on the FWF Peek project “Fashion & Robotics” and the EU project “BioCombs4Nanofibers” and was realized by LAS GAFAS.


Based on the FWF Peek project „Fashion & Robotics“ and the EU project „BioCombs4Nanofibers“, this film was made in close collaboration with University of Arts Linz and Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria. 
Bacterial strains or fungal cultures can be used for producing cellulose tissues on a 3D object. This tissue can then be turned into something leather-like. In the end, the finely fibered tissue can be peeled off without tearing from its microstructured support

Research team 
Werner Baumgartner 
Johannes Braumann 
Miriam Eichinger
Emanuel Gollob 
Johannes Heitz 
Christiane Luible-Bär 
Agnes Weth 
Jasmin Wurm 
Agnes - Agnes Weth 
Bernie - Christopher Hütmansberger 
Christie - Marlies Hajnal 
Dolores  - Aileen Derieg 
Fry - Christopher Hütmansberger 
Gail - Inge Katamay 
Gus - Bernhard Nussbaumer 
Hank - Johannes Heitz 
Joe  - Aaron Dall 
Louie - Andre Zogholy 
Mo - Inga Morawski 
Police - Aileen Derieg 
Schoolkids - Aaron Dietl 
Spike - Werner Baumgartner 
Teacher - Inge Katamay 
The Gang - Christian Dietl 
Verne - Aaron Dall 

Film team 
Production - LAS GAFAS FILMS 
Idea & Concept - Luzi Katamay, Christian Dietl & the research team 
Executive Producers – Andre Zogholy, Marlies Hajnal 
Camera - Christian Dietl 
Editing - Luzi Katamay 
Script - Luzi Katamay 
Translations – Christopher Hütmannsberger 
Video Postproduction – Christian Dietl 
Audio Postproduction - Mario Stadler (Goon Studios) 
Special thanks to - Aquarium Bach and their wonderful pets 

Film stills
