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Co.Lab Perception

Co.Lab Perception, part of the Department of Industrial Design, focuses on exploring human perception and interaction with products and environments regarding reaction processes, effects, hierarchies of perception, multi-sensory impressions and sensations. Another field of research is the simulation of sensory disabilities and temporary extreme situations.

Co.Lab Perception is equipped with biometric measurement technology which allows it to explore cognitive, psychological and physical reactions for specific requirements and contexts through physical, virtual and hybrid prototyping, simulating and testing of human-product interfaces.

As a consequence, goals can be defined more clearly, concepts can be evaluated more comprehensibly and designs can be improved measurably, allowing for the optimization of intuitive and ergonomic use. In this context, completely novel forms of interaction can be conceived and developed.

(Mario Zeppertzauer, Elke Bachlmair)

Head and Contact

Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Mario Zeppetzauer

Univ.-Prof. Mag.art. Elke Bachlmair



Kunstuniversität Linz
Institut Raum & Design
Abteilung Industrial Design
Hauptlatz 6, 3. OG, H60341
4020 Linz | Austria