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The gesture of drawing light with a body movement, Form 24

Isidora Ficovic
Interactive Performance, 2015
Interface Cultures 

Digital photo-camera

The gesture of drawing light with a body movement, Form 24 is a series of pictures saved on a portable digital photo-camera. The sequence is played in a loop on the screen and becomes a sort of a unitary video. Initially the pictures derive as abstract graphics digitally produced during the interactive performance[1] . Wearing a stretchable suit embedded with eight Ipods, the artist is involved physically, presenting human-computer interaction on stage.  As the video unfolds, the frames reveal their analogue origin. With the final frames it becomes possible to grasp the presence of the body of the artist, which uses a simple technique, the gesture of drawing light with body movements, to extend the media into the perception of the audience.

[1]One performance or many?   Produced in an interactive performance   Produced in interactive performances

Exhibition at: IC at ars electronica 2015, Linz, Austria

"The gesture of drawing light with a body movement, Form 24" © Isidora Ficovic
"The gesture of drawing light with a body movement, Form 24" © Isidora Ficovic