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In-between Privacy

Jaskaran Anan, Stefan Fuchs

"In-between Privacy" ©Jaskaran Anan, Stefan Fuchs, Online/Offline Performance, 2020
True.Self, False.Self, Body.Self, Digital.Self In-between Privacy emphasizes on the interconnectedness of society and addresses the visibly rising importance of the “Body.Self” interactions. The project aims at developing a new language for understanding privacy (physical & digital) of the individual and moreover discusses the private/public space definitions within a society made of diverse cultures.
In-between Privacy is grounded on the idea that there is no separation of “me”, but rather a collective “I”. It manifests through an interdisciplinary series of performances, discussions and digital prototype(s) focusing on the geo-political nature of the “Body.Self” to enhance social interactions at various levels with the audience and with the artist. It adheres to the concept of “True.Self” & “False.Self", where the “True.Self” can also be hypothesized as the copy of the digital content, as Avatar, that is unknown to an individual.
Inbetweenprivacy.lilimit.com Collaborators*: Kunst Vermittlung Museen der Stadt Linz (NORDICO), Plankton Electronics Movement, Spätschicht, RENU, Kilian Jörg, NANNA, Monica Vlad, Yazdan Zand
Artist: Jaskaran Anand
Born in India, based in Austria since 2015, Jaskaran has been engaged as a performance-maker, performer/dancer & pedagogue for over a decade. His research and interdisciplinary works, centered on the human body, are invested in deconstructing the concept of “Self.Self”: fascination by the nature of spirituality, the psychological understanding of the self and socio-political society. He has graduated from the field(s) of Informatics, Stage Dance/Performance and Dance Pedagogy. www.jaskarananand.com Technical Direction: Stefan Fuchs  Interface Cultures Exhibition - Ars Electronica Festival 2020
"In-between Privacy" ©Jaskaran Anan, Stefan Fuchs, Online/Offline Performance, 2020

Online/Offline Performance, 2020
Interface Cultures