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Parallax Window

Till Schönwetter

"Parallax Window" © Till Schönwetter (DE), 2023

Reality is always mediated by our perspective.  Screens, through which we observe much of the modern world, continues the ancient Greek tradition of playing with our perception of images. Furthermore, reality is mediated by technology. Parallax Window creates an interface in which perception is not a passive act of observation but an active engagement with the world. The work allows us to see the gap between different viewpoints, creating a parallax effect.

Die Arbeit Parallax Window von Till Schönwetter wurde im Rahmen der Campusausstellung Resonating Selves - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2023 gezeigt

Ausstellungsanündigung/ Newsartikel

"Parallax Window" © Till Schönwetter (DE), 2023

Interaktive Installation, 2023
Interface Cultures