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Heartbeat-Responsive Interface

Rene Preuer, Mathias Gartner, in collaboration with Ingrid Graz

EchoCore © Rene Preuer, Mathias Gartner, in collaboration with Ingrid Graz

The human heartbeat pulsates as an echo of our innermost feelings and longings. In EchoCore, this essence comes to life through illuminated and malleable soft spheres, awaiting the touch of the viewer. Through touch, the heartbeat is imprinted, setting the spheres in motion. Within this dynamic, an inimitable engagement emerges between the individual and the spheres - a choreography of pulsating colors and continuous transformation that explores the relationship between emotion and aesthetics.

Die Arbeit EchoCore wird im Rahmen der Campusausstellung NOUS - Interface Cultures at Ars Electronica 2024 gezeigt.

EchoCore © Rene Preuer, Mathias Gartner, in collaboration with Ingrid Graz

Installation, 2024
Interface Cultures