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Travel Guide to Earthen Architecture

Participants of the 2nd BASEhabitat International Summer School

In the course of the 2nd BASEhabitat International Summer School on Modern Earthen Architecture and Bamboo Construction in July of 2016 we are herewith presenting 74 interesting buildings, all made from sustainable materials and located in Central Europe. This booklet is considered to be a helpful tool, not only for the participants of our Summer School who are travelling to Austria from all over the world, but also for other enthusiasts of environmentally- friendly architecture. Raw earth building techniques have been known in Central Europe for at least 8,000 years. Nowadays, we can benefit from a wide range of knowledge about earthen construction from all over the world and throughout history. Within this travel guide we want to show a spectrum of contemporary earthen architecture as well as vernacular examples of applying these numerous earthen construction techniques in Central European climate zones. Structures ranging from low-cost constructions to representative upscale buildings—all built with eco-friendly materials—are featured. In addition to the earthen projects, we also provide a brief over view of the implementation of straw bale walls and bamboo façades. As the number of outstanding examples of earthen architecture is rapidly increasing, we do not lay claim to the completeness of this recently started collection. Therefore, we are looking forward to more interesting recommendations.


Herausgeber: BASEhabitat
Umfang: 200 Seiten
Sprache: Englisch
ISBN: 978-3-901112-79-9
Erscheinungsjahr: 2016