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Entrance Examination

After successfully passing the pedagogical aptitude test from the "Cluster Mitte" Registration here artistic admission to the media design teacher training course (Bachelor's degree) takes place in three stages. Applicants can choose between a summer date and a date in the fall for the coming academic year.

  • Online registration for the artistic entrance examination
  • Preparation and submission of the digital portfolio (max. 10 work samples)
  • Online entrance examination 

Summer date

Online registration in the period from March 19 to June 23, 2025
Upload all documents and submit the portfolio by June 23, 2025, 12.00 p.m., digitally via application management
Exam date: July 3, 2025, from 9.00 a.m.

Fall date

Online registration in the period from August 1 to August 25, 2025
Upload all documents and submit the portfolio by August 25, 2025, 12.00 p.m., digitally via application management
Exam date: September 4, 2025, from 9.00 a.m.

It is possible to take the entrance examinations for all three teacher training programs offered at the University of Art and Design. For the respective dates and further details:
Visual Education
Design: Technology.Textile

Procedure in detail

1. online registration for the artistic entrance examination

2. portfolio

  • Short biography and curriculum vitae in tabular form
  • List of all work samples in the portfolio (with year of production, title and brief content), incl. table of contents and page references
  • max. 10 selected work samples from the following areas: Analog/digital photographs, sound/audio productions, drawings, illustrations, storyboards, films, videos, animations, websites, interactive works, web/app/game design, media installations, etc.
    The work samples in the digital portfolio should include a broad media spectrum of content and artistic forms of expression according to the applicant's own assessment. Video and audio works should be integrated into the portfolio via a vimeo or youtube link or made available via wetransfer. Selected analog contributions such as objects and publications in which materials, techniques, textures, etc. play an important role can be presented on site.

    The portfolio is submitted in digital form as an interactive PDF via the application management system.

3. entrance examination 
In the entrance examination, the applicants deal practically with an artistic and creative task. The assignment is given to all applicants together. After completing the task, individual discussions are held about the projects created for this purpose and the portfolios submitted digitally in advance.

Requests for a personal interview, individual portfolio advice or further questions will be gladly accepted by the members of the Media Design department at mg.office@kunstuni-linz.at.

We look forward to receiving numerous applications!


Univ.-Prof. Dr. Alexis Dworsky



University of Arts Linz
Department Teacher Training Media Design 
Hauptplatz 8, 2nd Floor
4020 Linz | Austria

Admission procedure