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© Anna Kruml

Diploma Programme Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic

Art is a language that goes beyond words to create images and awaken emotions. These can change our thinking and influence our actions. Shapes, colors, surfaces, spatial relationships, proportions, sounds, movement and the interplay of different media are the vocabulary of this language. Materials play a prominent role within this vocabulary. After all, they can shape the appearance of an object through their materiality, depict the human body through traces of processing on the object, awaken individual associations and activate a collective memory.

The Diploma Programme in Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic enables students to unearth this treasure trove of the material basis of artistic projects. Students should develop a sensitivity and an awareness of the high proportion of materiality in the effect of sculptural works in particular. Experimenting with materials such as clay, wood, metal and plastics and reflecting on these activities is therefore a major part of the course. Ultimately, the students' experiments result in coherent concepts for artistic projects that are personally motivated and can relate to a wide variety of social phenomena. As part of study projects, but also at the invitation of galleries and museums, exhibitions are regularly held in which students can present their work.

The focus of the course is on students working independently on topics of their own choice. Spacious studio studio and facility rooms which can be used around the clock. Ideas, interim results and finished projects are regularly discussed in small groups. It is important that students also discuss the projects of others. In addition to the five-member teaching team of the department, artists and curators are invited as part of projects and workshops. A broad spectrum of courses in the field of cultural studies enables students not only to conceive and realize increasingly complex projects, but also to reflect on them.
At the beginning of their studies, students get to know clay as a multifaceted, plastic material that is ideal for experimenting with formal relationships and various material phenomena. At the same time, many courses aim to enable students to use the variety of expressive possibilities in the field of ceramic materials to realize their projects.


Univ.-Prof. Dipl.des. Frank Louis


Petra Sturz
T: +43 (0)732 7898 2317
M: +43 (0)676 84 7898 317

University of Arts Linz 
Department of Sculptural Conceptions / Ceramic 
Domgasse 1
4020 Linz | Austria

Arrange your personal talk 
Frank Louis