Kolumbien / Cali / Universidad del Valle / dri.univalle.edu.co/es
Exchange studies at undergraduate / pregrado level (comparable to diploma studies)
Preparation of theses at undergraduate and graduate level possible
An application is only possible after a personal interview with Prof. Karin Harrasser:
1. for a winter semester application, an interview must take place by December 15 of each year
2. for a summer semester application, an interview must take place by May 15 of each year
Korea / Seoul/ Korea National University of Arts, KNUA / www.eng.karts.ac.kr
Media (Korean language skills in Filmmaking department required! English in Multimedia-, broadcasting- or communication design department)
Fine Arts / Design
Taiwan / Kun Shan University of Technology / www.ksu.edu.tw
art & design (media design)
Taiwan / Taipei National University of the Arts TNUA / exchange_students
Fine Arts BA/MA
Media BA/MA
Please note: 31. März application deadline an der TNUA für das WS und SS
Schweiz / Genf / HEAD Geneva School of Art and Design / www.hesge.ch
Fine Arts / Design: only Fashion and Technology / Industrial Design, BA/MA
Schweiz / Luzern / Hochschule Luzern / www.hslu.ch/de-ch/design-kunst/
only for students from: FAT/Textil/Vis.Komm/Grafik Design/Fotografie/time based and interactive media arts TO:
Grafik Design/BA, Object Design/BA, Textil Design/BA, Design (all Majors)/MA, Kunst BA/MA, Video/BA
Schweiz / Zürich / ZhdK – Züricher Hochschule der Künste / www.zhdk.ch
0210 ARTS - only: BA/MA of Arts in Design / BA/MA of Arts in Fine Arts / MA of Arts in transdisciplinary Studies
0114 teaching training program/art education: BA/MA of Arts in Art Education
Please note:
Applications for Industrial Design in spring are better than for autumn and only for the 2nd and 4th semesters! (generally more places at the ZhdK).
Japan / IAMAS / International Academy of Media Art and Sciences / www.iamas.ac.jp
only: Interface Cultures - Nomination to the International Office by Interface Cultures required!
Japan / TSUKUBA / University of Tsukuba / Institute of Library, Information and Media Science, Master´s & Doctoral Programs in Informatics / www.tsukuba
only: Interface Cultures (Master Level für Vorbereitung der Abschlussarbeit und PhD Level) - Nomination to the International Office by Interface Cultures required!
USA / University of California Los Angeles UCLA / Art Sci Center / www.artsci.ucla.edu
only: Interface Cultures - Nomination to the International Office by Interface Cultures required!