The ASEAN-European Academic University Network (ASEA-UNINET) was founded in 1994 and today consists of over 80 universities in around 20 countries. The aim of the university network is to promote research and teaching activities between the member universities in Europe and Southeast Asia (in Indonesia, Iran*, Cambodia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Pakistan*, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam).* Associate members
ASEA-UNINET Austria receives funding from the BMBWF. This funds around one hundred bilateral and multilateral cooperation projects between Austrian and Southeast Asian member universities every year. ASEA-UNINET
The University of Arts Linz is currently a Candidate Member link.
Short trips that are exclusively for the purpose of holding lectures or attending congresses are not supported!
Project implementation period 1-year projects: from 01. October 2025 to 30. September 2026
Project implementation period for 2-year projects: from 01. October 2025 to 30. September 2027
The two-year implementation period allows for both 1-year and 2-year projects.
The project start is only possible after countersignature and upload of the funding agreement in the online portal. An extension of the project implementation period is only possible for 1-year projects and up to one year. The extension requires the submission of an interim report.
Minimum duration of stay per mobility: 1 week (shorter stays must be convincingly demonstrated and approved by the ASEA-UNINET Executive Board)
Maximum duration of stay per mobility 3 months
The CALL is made by email by the Art.Research department.
ASEA stays are treated procedurally as business trips . This means that insurance cover etc. is provided.
No flexitime credit can be accumulated due to the staff mobility. As part of the business trip, the notional normal working time per week is used for working hours on site and travelling times (update, 29 January 2025).
Funding is limited to the amount of the respective ASEA grant. Invoicing is based on the ASEA funding criteria in accordance with the original receipts.
Participation in a staff mobiliy and the personal contribution to the internationalization of the University of Arts Linz will be confirmed by a certificate after completion of the mobility.
Information and contact persons:
University of Arts Linz - Regina Dicketmüller, International Office, contact
University of Arts Linz - Dr. Jörg Klenk, Research Service - Funding Programmes EU, International Cooperations PhD-Programme, contact
University of Arts Linz / Accounting - Andreas Szelegowitz, International Office, contact
update February 17, 2025
Regina Dicketmüller-Pointinger
T: +43 732 78982269
Office days:
Monday to Thursday
University of Arts Linz
International Office
Hauptplatz 6, 3rd floor
4020 Linz | Austria