zum Inhalt

Completion of mobility

Submission of supporting documents

The following documents must be submitted to the International Office no later than 30 days after the end of the mobility:

Proof of the physical mobility actually spent in the host country

  • Confirmation of stay (download under Forms)
  • Letter of Confirmation (download under Forms)

Proof of receipt of a Top-Up for students with fewer opportunities:

in the case of health problems:

  • Medical certificate with proof of the additional costs incurred compared to the stay in the sending country (Austria)

in case of disability:

  • Disability pass (issued in Austria from a degree of disability of at least 50%) or notification of GdB below 50% with proof of the additional costs incurred compared to the stay in the sending country

For mobility with child/children:

  • Birth certificate, proof of custody if applicable, registration form or other proof of residence of the child/children in the host country
  • Official documents such as confirmation of school or kindergarten attendance (original) or
  • proof of registration in the host country (original) or
  • other proof of the child/children's stay in the host country (in connection with travel documents such as boarding passes, tickets, etc. in the original)

Proof of the main means of transportation used 

  • Declaration of Honor (Download under Forms)

Mandatory report

  • UFG report (download under Forms) - anonymous publication see report

The mobility grant will only be settled once the evidence has been provided.



  • Apply to the study department/office for recognition : Application form
  • When preparing the final work/thesis: Submit the document "Confirmation Supervisor" after the mobility to the International Office (document under Forms)


Diploma Supplement

The Europass Diploma Supplement contains detailed information about the university degree obtained, see link
The stay abroad is noted in it. The Diploma Supplement is issued by the Legal and Student Affairs Department after graduation.

Please note:

International grant from the scholarship office
Recipients of an international grant from the scholarship office (only for study visits) must complete their stay abroad.

IPS of the Province of Upper Austria
IPS recipients must complete their stay abroad, see IPS guidelines

update February 10, 2025