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Dr. Jörg Klenk

Kunst.Forschung | PhD
Oktober 2023

Cultural Immersion with colleagues from 7 universities during the “Skills for the Future” Erasmus+ Staff Training in Timisoara (RO), autumn 2023

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training
Mobilität durchgeführt an folgender Universität / Institution:
Institution: Mobility carried out at the following university / institution:
 European Academy of Innovation

Zeitraum / Duration of stay:
 23. bis 27. Oktober 2023

Abteilung an der Kunstuniversität / Department of the University of Arts:
 Kunst.Forschung | PhD

Meine Erfahrungen / Mehrwert / Ergebnis der Mobilität:
My experience / added value / outcome of the mobility:
The capacity building week “Skills for the Future” in the European Capital of Culture 2023 Timisoara (RO) was excellently organised. The training took place in the same building as the accommodation was located in. Breakfast and lunch were also served there. The small group size and some fun ice-breaking exercises fostered an instant sense of community that lasted throughout the week. In addition to the practical knowledge and extensive material shared with us, this week provided me with an opportunity to review my own work habits and practices. The exchange with colleagues from other universities and the insight into their organisational culture was valuable. At the same time, the shared meals and cultural activities provided us with enough space to get to know each other and explore possibilities for institutional cooperation. I return with a valuable toolkit for my daily work, a manual on how to use these tools and contacts to the specialists who provided them. I am convinced that these tools provide ample opportunities for personal and professional development well beyond my week-long stay in Timisoara. The convivial experience of forming a community with individuals from various European backgrounds on the spot, sharing thoughts, learning and laughing together, was vital, especially after years of pandemic-induced isolation. The chance to immerse ourselves in the rich history of this multinational region and culture was just the icing on the cake.

Message an Kolleg*innen / Message to the colleagues:
I strongly recommend taking advantage of the opportunities that Erasmus+ provides for staff members to personally and professionally grow in a fun and safe way. Our colleagues at the International Office provided me with all the required information and assisted me through all administrative steps.