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Teija Hohl

Design und Technik & textil·kunst·design

August 2023

The statue of Rubens and the cathedral of Antwerp
The Museum Plantin-Moretus
A dictionary, “Dictionarium Teutonico-Latinum“, 1588
Street art in Antwerp

Erasmus Staff Mobility for Training
Mobilität durchgeführt an folgender Universität / Institution:
Institution: Mobility carried out at the following university / institution:
 University of Antwerp, Belgium

Zeitraum / Duration of stay:
 From Monday, August 21 to Friday, August 25 2023

Abteilung an der Kunstuniversität / Department of the University of Arts:
 Design and Technology, textile·art·design

Meine Erfahrungen / Mehrwert / Ergebnis der Mobilität:My experience / added value / outcome of the mobility:
I had an interesting week in Antwerp. I attended the summer school “Critical Approaches to Typography“, organized by the University of Antwerp, together with the Planten Institute for Typography.

My fellow participants were from Sweden, Israel, Belgium, Switzerland and the USA. It was really fascinating to hear about the different aspects of typography they are concerned with.

We spent most of our time in the famous Museum “Plantin-Moretus“, the first museum on the UNESCO World Heritage list. We got to see the oldest printing presses in the world as well as portraits by Rubens and a library with manuscripts and original prints that were hundreds of years old.

In the study-room of the museum, we listened to lectures and solved tasks our teachers gave us to do.

But we were not just occupied with the past, there were also lectures about contemporary Arabic fonts, for example.

Message an Kolleg*innen / Message to collegues:
Without exaggeration, the summer school in Antwerp is an unforgettable experience that I would recommend to anyone.

However, I would suggest that you stay a few days longer after the summer school is over, since the beautiful town, Antwerp, has so many things to offer. In my case, our days were so busy that I did not have enough time to visit everything I had planned to.

I would also advise you to check any vocational terms related to your area of expertise in English in advance, if you are attending lectures dealing with a specific field of knowledge.

It will make the start easier for you.