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Adelheid Rumetshofer - Source

Eröffnung: 30.11.2024, 13.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 18.1.2025 Elektrohalle Rhomberg, Samergasse 28b, 5020 Salzburg

In her second solo show at the Elektrohalle, Linz-based artist Adelheid Rumetshofer (*1976) presents all-new works on canvas in a wide range of colours, exploring the theme of light as a source of inspiration.

In Rumetshofer's works, pictorial experience always means experiencing the picture as color. For this purpose, the picture surface is painted in different, successive layers of color. Never completely monochrome, lighter or darker areas are always set off and give the oil paintings varying weights through the finest gradations and contrasts. Through never exactly repeating mixing ratios of freely stirred colours and the respective paint

underneath, each painting is characterized by individual color tones despite a possible color affinity. The individual layers of color - which cannot be separated from each other by the eye - support, cover and interfuse each other. Similar to semi-transparent foils, the various paintings complement and intertwine each other, appearing not as isolated units but as interwoven pigment networks. In this way, the quality of each color and layer is continued in the next and leads to a collective pictorial unity that flirts with the ideal of material rapture in numerous nuances and transformations.
