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Opening: 5.5.2018, 19.00 Uhr; Ausstellung bis 13.5.2018 MAMR, Franzensgasse 6/1a, 1050 Wien

Ausstellungsbeteiligung von Violeta Ivanova 

Violeta Ivanova and Helen Anna Flanagan originally met in Linz in 2017 during an artist residency at Salzamt Atelierhaus. They both have kept in touch since to try find new ways to collaborate in unexpected and sporadic ways. These short bursts of intensive experimentation, often working with found materials, specific spaces and topics, leads to installations that can alter and change with time. Their process is based on a shared dialogue, experimentation and (re)arranging ideas, materials and perspectives.
The exhibition at Medo Space will be an opportunity to extend the thematics of a previous exhibition with new work and ideas, seeing how they can be positioned in a new context and time-frame.

Helen Flanagan (UK) is an artist who lives and works in Rotterdam. Observed human incidents often form the starting point for her work. She combines these real events with fictitious narratives to produce video, sound and installation. By constructing and imagining scenarios, often making use of the category of the absurd, she looks to investigate social structures and the political subtext of the everyday, focusing on affects and emotions, labour and the body. 

Violeta Ivanova (BG) is an artist living and working in Linz. The most effective driving force of her work is curiosity. She works with unconventional materials, modified meanings and context, as well as unusual points of view on daily life. She usually presents her ideas by using metaphors, creating situations that are opened for interpretations. In her works, Violeta often plays with visitors’ perception in order to shape a specific atmosphere in the exhibition space.  

