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Neworked Nature

30. April 2021 bis 30. April 2022 Santa Fe, USA

Die interaktive Arbeit "Eau de Jardin (2 plant version)" von Christa Sommerer und Laurent Mignonneau ist in der Ausstellung zu sehen.

Sommerer and Mignonneau´s interactive artwork "Eau de Jardin 2 plant version" is featured in the exhibition.

Neworked Nature an exhibition of 21 Digital & Media artworks from the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation’s collection
at the new Art Vault in Santa Fe, USA:

Networked Nature is an exhibition of 21 Digital & Media artworks from the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation’s collection that connect with nature’s creative energy. Using the science of organisms, communities, and ecosystems, each artwork is programmed to simulate natural patterns of life. Recent ecological research reveals how groups of trees, fungus, insects, and animals communicate with electrochemical signals across vast networks. These discoveries provide artists with biological models on which to generate their technological artworks. Networked Nature features artists’ pioneering approaches to artificial intelligence, machine learning, real-time software, custom algorithms, and virtual environments. As a group, the artworks offer a vision of humanity remade in the image of nature.


Sommerer & Mignonneau
Eau de Jardin (Two Plants)

Interactive installation with custom generative software and video animation (silent), with computer, two living plants, and projector, © Sommerer & Mignonneau, collection of the Carl & Marilynn Thoma Foundation.

Eau de Jardin (Two Plants) © 2004, Laurent Mignonneau and Christa Sommerer