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caring matters. who cares

5. bis 13. Juni 2023 Galerie WHA, Domgasse 1, 4020 Linz

Artistic insights on reproduction and child care

Postdoktorand Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger (VALIE EXPORT Center) und Doktorandin Linda Neukirchen (Linda Luv) präsentieren in einer Ausstellung die Forschungsergebnisse ihrer Zusammenarbeit. Im Rahmen des Ausstellungsprogrammes finden auch eine Diskussionsrunde und Live-Performance von Linda Luv statt.



5. bis 13. Juni 2023 ist die Ausstellung für die Öffentlichkeit zugänglich
7. Juni 2023, 16.00 Uhr | hybride Diskussionsrunde „Update Motherhood!“ im audimax, Domgasse 1 und online über mediaspace.ufg.at  (siehe auch QRcode rechts)
12. Juni 2023, 18.00 Uhr Performance von Linda Luv Floating Bouys im audimax,Domgasse 1, 1. Stock

One among the numerous paradigmatic changes we are currently experiencing is related to reproduction and care work, topics that shape the concepts of mothering and parenting. Despite the neglect of the role of motherhood among some feminist movements, we learned from theoreticians like Silvia Federici that the needed revolution starts with the resignification of human reproduction as work. This approach considers not only the involved energy costs, but also addresses the injustices grounded in knowledge production and sharing, as basic means of empowerment and domination.

Through these lenses of observation, women's emancipation is only one thread of the problematic cultural fabric we are partaking in. Caring matters.who cares frays some of the other threads, without disregarding the complexity of the fabric´s structure. It suggests fruitful dialogue with contemporary thinking, e.g. by reviewing the protagonist of primitive and current technologies, as well as tackling symbols of preservation and transformation in the context of motherhood.

In between the adult and child centrisms, mothering and parenting is primarily presented as dynamic and ever changing relations, from the very material exchanges in the physico-chemical level of the placenta to the ambivalent mother-offspring relationships. The body of works presented by a diverse group of artists reflect the complexities of motherhood, ranging from personal and subjective experiences to the social implications and cultural manifestations associated with it.

In addition, posthuman perspectives on motherhood, addressing mainly the transposition of the concept to machinic and interspecies contexts, is the core of the hybrid round table “Update Motherhood!”, featuring special guests: Maja Smrekar (SI) and François Joseph Lapointe (CA), to be held in hybrid format on June 7th at 4pm.

The program is an outcome of the partnership between two researchers from the Kunstuniversität Linz, the PhD candidate Linda Neukirchen (Linda Luv), who examines personal liminal experiences in everyday life from a queer-feminist perspective of a young mother, woman and artist, and the postdoctoral researcher Dr. phil. Graziele Lautenschlaeger (VALIE EXPORT Center), who investigates the intersection between motherhood, posthumanism and technofeminism. The other featured artists manifest reflections and insights they had along the seminar “Motherhoods in the art: From representations to experiences”, conducted in the winter semester 2022-23, which unfolded discussions on motherhood and mother-child relationships in selected artworks, from the renaissance madonnas to posthumanist queer mothering/parenting in contemporary media artworks, observing how artists articulate common symbols, materialities and alternative narratives in relation to motherhood along Art History.

Caring matters.who cares will be open to the public from June 5th to June 13th. On June 12th at 6pm Linda Luv performs Floating Bouys at the audimax (Domgasse 1, 1st floor). The hybrid round table discussion, "Update Motherhood!" will take place on June 7th at 4pm at the audimax and online through this link: mediaspace.ufg.at embedded also in the QRcode on the right:
